Out of Ellisville, Massachusetts the story of Bay Acres Farm starts with a small town grain farm. Bay Acres was already growing many of the essential grains, including hops, for brewing, this prompted the small farm to take a chance and put themselves into the craft beer market. Creating the brewery extension of the farm, Bay Acres began its path to explore craft beers with passion, respect, and curiosity for the brewing process. These core values led to Bay Acre’s goal of being able to produce small batches of craft beers to local and New England residents that enjoy exploring the intricacy of craft beers without breaking the bank.
Designed and created elements for this brand are a brand guidelines book, three beer can designs, and a promotional apron and photography for the brewery. I wanted to focus my capstone on the aspects of design that I enjoy and excel at, and taking a deep dive into the process of creating a brand's identity allowed me to do that. I wanted to create the brewery brand with a modern aesthetic that still highlights the timeless and classic local farm feeling within the logo and typography.

Brand Guidelines Book Mockup Photos

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